What does a PYP Classroom sound and look like?
The following are sights and sounds of a successfully functioning PYP school. Following each scenario will be the reasons for, and the conditions needed for this particular action to take place.
Groups of students talking about their learning experiences...The Constructivist Learning Model builds on connecting new information to old knowledge and experiences.
Tables or clusters of desks...Room geography that's conducive to collaborative learning.
Students eager to be in school and sad to leave...A school featuring the PYP provides a safe, comfortable, challenging and interesting environment.
Kids using reference books, on-line searches, phone interviews, face to face inquiries, and letters being written to "people resources"...Research skills need to be in place, along with the freedom and time allotted to students to do this.
Questions posted around the room, from students, teachers, and parents...Inquiries authored by students and others need to be noticed and valued.
Students chatting in halls, conversations about past, on-going, and future planners or other projects...Planning, reflecting, sharing conversations, inquiring about resources in all settings, is natural in an inquiry-based school.
Visual reminders of The Learner Profile and IB Attitudes are prominently displayed...Visual reminders for all the learning community are needed for inspiration, reflection, goal setting and recognition in both self and others.
Personal versions of goals and plans displayed as student and teacher reminders...Extended planners (4-8 weeks), make these necessary for everybody to stay focused and on task. Progress checks help, too.
Personal student items defining who they are and what they're about are abundant...Self-appraisals among students are welcomed with those who are actively engaged in their learning.
Laughter and more laughter...Learning has to be fun, hard work at times, but fun!
Conferences where everybody reflects, discusses and then chooses new, meaningful action...The Action Model is for all stakeholders - parents, students, and teachers.
"How and Why" questions abound among all teachers, students, and others...Without these inquiries, there is no attempt to achieve an in-depth understanding - well beyond what people "know and can do".
Teachers thinking out loud - (choosing, acting, reflecting)...Modeling just how decisions are made - how monitoring and adjusting is done - these must be personal perceptions that students can hear and hopefully internalize.
An up-dated POI is posted for all to see...The scope and sequence of all learning in a school needs to be seen under the organization umbrella of the six Transdisciplinary Themes.
Everybody is overtly excited about their learning situation...This simply becomes synergistic of all of the above!